About me

I can’t change what I’ve already done. But I might be able to make up for it. I had always thought of myself as a reckless badass chic. I wasn’t because day after day I would pity our generation, I would pity myself. I started have these weird inspirational thoughts on how the world could be better. Now, being the reckless chic I thought I was I was all like “Whaaat? No I do not get to think like that! I’m supposed to be a rebel!” Yeah… So any who later the thoughts became uncontrollable. So I welcomed them.

I realized that my parents didn’t need to know my dreams I would just go along with their plans for me and when their plans don’t work out I can say “ I told You so!!!” And waltz out of their lives, make my own.

It was a dumb plan really… because as I grew older I fell in love with reading and I decided that my divergent thoughts deserve to be written and remembered. So I started making new word documents every time I was struck with a new topic. But then after a couple of months I thought… ‘What’s the point in inspiring thoughts if they inspire no one but you?’ So when our English teacher introduced us to blogs I was like “Muawahahaa” *Evil laugh (sort of)* and I decided that I needed to make a blog which brings me here.

I had realized a few years ago, that when I’m truly happy is when I’m proud of myself for helping others. That is why I wanted to add an advice column in my blog. I like to believe that I’d be a good parent because I know the kind of parent I shouldn’t be. So I guess, that I might be able to help parents just as much as children with life crisis. Which is why I’m willing to help anyone who needs someone to just listen. Talk to me. Who knows maybe I can help?

Now, I’m not doing this for fame or fortune, but for a better place for or future to blossom! You may think that I’m just some kid who wants to be a rebel and maybe I am. But I for one want to help make a difference.

There are around a hundred people fighting for peace, giving speeches but let me say something inspirational… ’We can all hear them, but none of us truly listen.’

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